Saturday, October 9, 2010

Light probe equip

Finally located a place locally that has great 304 stainless steal balls (200mm) for producing hdr light globes for the lighting solution. 200mm for $29 from jalex hardware.

Once the balls was setup and the shot was ready to be taken i set up the camera in 2 location 90˙ perpendicular to the previous shot. This would in theory, take information of the room to then unwrap and rotate the images into one.

The free app I used was HDRSHOP, which is ok for the free, but it has some manual functions which take a while to master I think. I was going to produce HDR images of the room but my camera is a pretty good video cam, but average still camera, so Ive worked with what i have to the best of its abilities. As you can see below, this image isnt rotated correctly, and I had more time I could produce a more accurate LP image, but as this is just for basic lighting aid and some reflection in the scene, its not necessary to refine.

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